Once upon a time, a dreamer named Raj was born in a small Indian town. Ever since his childhood, he was an ardent cricket fan and always dreamed of being a part of the big cricketing world.
One day, Raj decided to start his own cricket team to fulfill his dream. He was going to create a team of the best players in the city and take part in local tournaments.
Along with his friends, Raj started looking for players for his team. They held open trials and competitions to select the best of the best. After a long selection, the team was formed and ready for great achievements.
However, Raj and his team lacked opportunities to participate in major tournaments and competitions. Then they decided to create their own online portal where fantastic cricket tournaments will be held.
And so, the FantasySportonli portal was born, where Raj and his team could create their own fantasy cricket team, choose Indian names for their players and participate in exciting tournaments.
Thanks to the portal, Raj and his friends got the opportunity to make their dreams come true and become famous in the world of fantasy cricket. Now they can play cricket anytime and anywhere.