Step 1: Opening an account
Go to the FantasySportonli website.
Click on the "Registration" or "Login/Register" button.
Fill in the required fields: e-mail, password.
Confirm your registration by following the link sent to your email.
Step 2: Create a team
After registering and logging into the account, go to the "Create a team" page.
Choose a name for your team and the country you represent.
Choose the category of participation in tournaments (beginner, intermediate level, professional).
Add players to your team by selecting them from the list of available players.
Step 3: Participation in tournaments
Go to the "Tournaments" page and select the tournament in which you want to participate.
View the tournament rules and conditions and the prize pool.
Register for the tournament if required and pay the entry fee.
Prepare your team for the tournament by analyzing game strategies and selecting the best players.
Step 4: Play in the tournament
Participation in the tournament is online through the FantasySportonli website.
The game takes place in real time, you can monitor the progress of the game and react to events on the field in time.
Keep track of your team's results and change your game strategy as needed.
Step 5: Receiving prizes
After the tournament is over, the results are announced and the winning teams receive prizes.
Prizes may include cash prizes, prizes from sponsors, or an increase in your team's ranking.
Step 6: Preparation for the next tournaments
After one tournament is over, you can register for the next one and continue to level up your team and earn new skills and achievements.